6 Bunya Close, BENTLEY PARK
Last Listed: 11/08/24
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>> 4 Bed Modern Home - $660 per week
Ray White Cairns South presents a break-lease on this unfurnished modern family home, nestled in the foothills of Edmonton. Close to all shopping and amenities including doctors, public / private schooling, sporting facilities, and only 20 minute drive to Cairns CBD and beautiful Esplanade. Directions Rainforest Rise Estate: Turn right onto Whereat Road near the end of Isabella Road, Edmonton, bear left and then turn right onto Macaranga Road. Bunya Close is at the end of the street. It is not yet listed on online maps. Please use Macaranga Road in google maps. Please apply online by clicking https://2apply.com.au/agency/RWCairnsSouth Register your interest online to be automatically notified when inspections are next available. Please note this is a break lease and the property is currently tenanted. All viewing dates and times will be advertised once they have been scheduled. Features include • Rent to increase to $695 week in March 2025 • Modern kitchen with induction cooktop and butlers pantry • 4 Bedrooms with Built in Robes • Master bedroom with large walk in robe & ensuite • Separate shower and bath tub in bathroom • Fully air conditioned • Fully security screened • Tiled throughout • Large entertaining area • Low maintenance gardens • No rear neighhbour • Remote garage • Double gate side rear access • Pets on application • Conditions on lease- Tenant to pay for all air conditioners to be chemical cleaned and Professional cleaning of blinds on vacate. 12 Month Lease Please apply online by clicking https://2apply.com.au/agency/RWCairnsSouth We recommend completing your application as soon as possible as we will organise private viewings for suitable tenants with a fully completed application only. Please contact our office on (07) 40459700 if you are having trouble with the online application and our reception will help. *Tenant is responsible for electricity, phone/internet, subscription services and water costs* *Please note it is the tenant's responsibility to maintain the following: smoke alarms to be dust-free, cleaning of air conditioner filters, other general cleaning duties required by tenants outlined in a lease agreement* *Please be aware that smoking is not permitted inside the property* Ray White and its officers, employees or consultants ("we, us") make no representation, warranty or guarantee, that the Information, is complete, accurate or balanced. Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us, as to the accuracy of any part of this, or any further Information supplied by or on our behalf. You should satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and completeness of the Information through your own inspections, surveys, enquiries, and searches by your own independent consultants, and we recommend that you obtain independent legal, financial and taxation advice. This includes as to whether any listing price is inclusive or exclusive of GST. © Property Data Solutions Pty Ltd 2017. The information recorded in this document is provided on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the information and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information. No liability (in contract, tort or otherwise) will be accepted for any loss or damage incurred as a result of reliance upon any material contained in this publication, or for any information or advice provided in this publication or incorporated into it. © The State of Queensland (Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines) September 2017. Based on data provided with the permission of the Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines: (QVAS) September 2017. The Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines makes no representations or warranties about accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability of the data for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.