21 Cherrywood street, SUNNYBANK HILLS

$770 per week Fully air conditioning

Bond: $3080
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Brad Zhu

Ray White Robertson
U113B Time Square Level 1, 250 McCullough Street, Sunnybank, QLD 4109

Property FAQ

21 Cherrywood Street, Sunnybank Hills is a House for rent with 4 bedrooms.

The property features of the House for rent at 21 Cherrywood Street, Sunnybank Hills are unavailable. To enquire about specific features you're looking for, please get in touch with the Agents at RWRobertson.

The size of the House for rent at 21 Cherrywood Street, Sunnybank Hills is 0. To find more accurate property size information, please get in touch with the Agents at RWRobertson.

21 Cherrywood Street, Sunnybank Hills is a House for rent with 2 car spaces.

The listing price of the House for rent at 21 Cherrywood Street, Sunnybank Hills is $770 per week Fully air conditioning.

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